A Customized Journey Tailored to Your Business Needs

Your Path to Seamless Communication with Verge

Embark on a journey with Verge where each step is crafted to understand and meet your unique communication needs. Our engagement process is designed to ensure that from the first hello to the final handshake, your business's specific requirements are at the forefront. While not all steps may apply to every prospect, this overview gives you a glimpse into our comprehensive approach to creating a partnership that lasts. Experience a process that evolves with you, ensuring your communication solutions are not just solutions but transformations that propel your business forward.

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Unveiling the Landscape and Objectives

We conduct an initial fact finding meeting to discuss and understand more about your business and objectives, including locations, employees, expansion plans, and existing telecommunications infrastructure.

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Billing Documentation Gathering

We collect copies of various telecom and data network services billings.

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Ensuring Confidentiality

We execute a Confidentiality Agreement.

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Authorization and Billing Assessment

We obtain Letters of Authorization, allowing us to obtain and meticulously review the detailed Phone Company billing records and monthly expenses.

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Business Requirements Review

We will review your business requirements for Voice and Data Services.

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Due Diligence Sessions

We conduct due diligence meetings to learn about your organization's challenges and desired goals and objectives.

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On-Site Technical Review

We will conduct an on-site technical review of your equipment and services.

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Optimizing Network Services

We will research and negotiate better network service options with the various service providers.

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Network Assessment Presentation

We will present an Network Assessment Report with our associated findings and recommendations, which will address improving services, reducing costs, deploying the latest technology, and helping you better serve your customers and employees.

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Collaborative Decision-Making

Jointly, we will determine which, if any, of the recommendations require additional consideration or new contracts, including system upgrades and/or replacements.

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Tailored Telecommunications Solutions

Upon your request, we will engineer, design, and implement a new telecommunications system, as required, to meet your objectives.

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The Network Assessment Report

While many organizations have an excellent understanding of their network services and associated recurring expenses and manage these expenses closely, we find this to be more the exception than the rule. In fact, we are often told by a prospective client that they “watch this very closely...” or “you won’t find anything...”, only to discover significant cost savings and unknown charges. In one recent case where the customer told us just that, we discovered a billing error and were able to obtain a refund from the phone company in excess of $28,000!

While every client’s situation is unique, the one aspect that remains constant is that the telecommunications industry is a complex world, and you just might be surprised by the results of our experienced team’s review of your services.

Serving Diverse Industries

Solutions by Industry

From healthcare to finance, education to manufacturing, Verge's advanced communication and network solutions are tailored to meet the unique needs of various industries. Our expertise in delivering state-of-the-art VoIP and network infrastructure services ensures your business thrives in today's competitive landscape. Explore the difference we can make in your industry and experience connectivity that drives success.